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The school is within 1- minute walk from Shinkoshigaya Station.
 Calligraphy School
in Saitama

You don't need to speak completely Japanese.
And there are no need skills and age at my school.
Let's have fun traditional Japanese culture together. ♪♪
A calligraphy  instructor

It's me,  Rion(璃音).

The details are →HERE.

I introduce about me on my official blog. Please take a look. And also, take a look at my profile and Instagram. ♪♪

―♡―About Membership―♡―

I make contact everything by email or my official LINE.

👇 Please click on this.

You become a member of calligraphy at my school.

About a calligraphy school

―♡― Membership categories―♡―

A calligraphy is divided into two department categories: student department and general department. Each part has its own certificate and age.

The student Department
 children 4 years old or older,
elementary school students,
junior high school students
 You can watch calligraphy-works for the student department on my blog.
The general Department
 :high school Students,
college students,
You can watch calligraphy-works for the general department on my blog.

―♡―Lesson Time―♡―


Mon, Tue, Wed, Thur, Fri

2:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.


You can come and leave the room in time. 

It's basically freedom.

―♡―Lesson Cost―♡―

① ¥3,000- a month

from beginner to 20th degree

Beginners start form here.

② ¥4,000- a month

from 20 to 40th degree

③ ¥5,000- a month

over 40th degree

Please pay once a month like this.

It depends on Dan and Kyu.

The price includes an example.

Children 4 years old or older can join my school. 

―♡―Lesson Details―♡―

The student Department

① Regular Lesson

Mouhitsu in Japaneseusing a brush, ink, and hanshi

Kouhitsu in Japaneseusing a pen and paper 

 Calligraphy Proficiency Test

It'll be twice a year.


You are able to exhibit your works at the calligraphy exhibition.

④Summer Assignments

You are able to create your summer assignments.

The general Department


 Regular Lesson

Kanji, Kana, Kindaishi, Jitsuyousyotai, Pen work


 Calligraphy Proficiency Test

It'll be twice a year.


You are able to exhibit your works at the calligraphy exhibition.

④ Event

You are able to participate in some calligraphy events.

I'm going to announce the detail each time.

―♡―About Membership―♡―

I make contact everything by email or my official LINE.

👇 Please click on this.

You become a member

of calligraphy at my school.

About Other Works 

I'd love to build more experience. And I'm looking forward to doing a new job with you. Ask me anything. I'll do my best!

I make contact everything by email or my official LINE.


👇 Please click on this.

The site

of my Contact Information

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